
Personify Fitness

Banish Back Pain

Forty per cent of us suffer from back pain and it is one of the biggest reasons for days off work. Personify Fitness Coach Ben Short says it is possible to be pain free if you are prepared to invest time in your body.

While I am writing this article, I am keeping an eye on the clock. Every 30 minutes, I get up to walk around my office or pick up the post. I’ve got a bottle of water on my desk and an image of good posture stuck to my computer. These easy cues can be enough in themselves to maintain preventable back pain. Already have back pain, or irregular lower back pain affecting you or a loved one? Subtle changes, and investing a small amount of time every day, can make a big difference to banishing the back pain.

Stretch those hamstrings:

Temporary back pain due to gardening or doing DIY jobs is often due to lack of flexibility in the hamstrings or neighbouring impact resistance muscles. If they are tight, the lower back takes the strain. Make stretching your hamstrings part of your daily routine by doing it while you brush your teeth – put a straight leg up onto the side of the bath or toilet seat, lean forward over it and hold for 30 seconds for each leg. Personify Fitness Group member Matt Hawkins, has started his fitness journey doing this twice a day and has reaped the flexibility benefits and thus reducing systematic impact through his back. For these results see our Facebook page.

Back to sleep:

It’s a myth that a firm mattress gives the ideal support, especially if you sleep on your side as there will be parts of your body that are not touching the mattress, which can lead to back pain. Either invest in a mattress that fills and supports all the spaces where the body curves naturally or use pillows to fill those gaps. Ask your partner to observe while you lie on your side and point out parts of your body that are not touching the bed.

Hydration, hydration, hydration!

I devoted a previous article to the importance of water for health. Reduce caffeine intake and sip water throughout the day to hydrate the synovial fluid that lies between the discs of the spine.

Strengthen core muscles:

These are all the muscles from the pelvis to the chest. Strong core muscles will support the back. My best three core exercises are:

  • Back Extensions (like a reverse sit up) – Lie face-down, with your chest on a pillow and arms by your sides. Lift the top half of your body, holding for two seconds. Do three lots of five repetitions several times a week.
  • Child pose – sit down with your bottom on your heels and stretch your hands forward as far as they will go. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times.
  • Cobra post – lie face down with your hands under your shoulders and push your body up to stretch the front of the torso, the arms and the stomach. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat three times. It will be harder for your spin to curve if your stomach muscles are contracted, so while you are doing activities, squeeze those tummy muscles in.

Perfect posture:

Attach an image of perfect sitting posture to your computer screen as a reminder. Make sure your bottom is to the back of the chair, your shoulders are back and sit tall. Get up from your desk every 30 minutes to walk round.

Avoid fancy footwear:

If you suffer with backache, avoid wearing heels. Have your gait analysed at a sports shop, such as Simply Sports in Reigate or Up & Running in Horsham, to help you buy appropriate footwear. Book in advance.


It is possible to give yourself a back massage, but first invest in a sports massage. While you are there, ask the therapist to demonstrate back self-massage techniques to make sure you do these correctly.

Teach your children these tips:

A key focus of this year’s Back Care Awareness Week will be back pain suffered by school children. One quarter of secondary school pupils suffer from regular back pain, with carrying heavy school bags and prolonged sitting among the causes. So, while you are looking after your back, help them to look after theirs and install good habits for future generations.

If You Do One Thing This Month...

Start by simply stretching those hamstrings. It will make a big difference.

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